Dar-es-Salaam Symptom Questionnaire (DSQ)

Information about Measure
First Name Sylvia
Last Name Kaaya
Affiliation Muhimnili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Department of Psychiatry
Other means of contacting author (e.g., website, Academia.edu, ResearchGate) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sylvia_Kaaya3
Mental health assessment tool that was adapted/developed/validated Dar-es-Salaam Symptom Questionnaire (DSQ)
Mental health condition assessed Anxiety and Depression
Idiom of distress included, if any Numerous
Lifestage of interest Adult (General)
Age range (age – age) 15-48
Country or countries where tool was developed/adapted/validated Tanzania
Language(s) of the adapted/developed/validated tool Kiswahili
Clinical or community sample? Clinical
Subpopulation in which tool was developed/validated (e.g., tool was developed and tested among middle-class women)? Antenatal clinic attendees in Dar-es-Salaam
Development procedures locally-developed, validated, culturally-adapted
If validated, what was the gold standard? Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL-25)
Description of other development procedures, if applicable
Cronbach’s alpha 0.84
Other information about tool (e.g., additional psychometrics [NPV, PPV, Youden’s index, diagnostic odds ratio]) Additional psychometrics evaluated include: inter-rater reliability (intraclass r = 0.89), and test-retest reliability (intraclass r = 0.82).
Links to development/adaptation/validation studies and/or previous studies using the tool Lee, B., Kaaya, S. F., Mbwambo, J. K., Smith-Fawzi, M. C., & Leshabari, M. T. (2008). Detecting Depressive Disorder With the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 in Tanzania. International Journal of Social Psychiatry54(1), 7–20. https://doi.org/10.1177/0020764006074995
Notes when administering the tool The DSQ should be administered verbally to participants by trained research assistants.