Mental Health Assessment Inventory (MHAI)

Information about Measure
First Name S. Benjamin
Last Name Doty
Email [email protected]
Affiliation Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Other means of contacting author (e.g., website,, ResearchGate)
Mental health assessment tool that was adapted/developed/validated Mental Health Assessment Inventory (MHAI)
Mental health condition assessed Common Mental Health Disorders
Idiom of distress included, if any Not Applicable
Lifestage of interest Adult (General)
Age range (age – age)
Country or countries where tool was developed/adapted/validated Ukraine
Language(s) of the adapted/developed/validated tool Russian
Clinical or community sample? Community
Subpopulation in which tool was developed/validated (e.g., tool was developed and tested among middle-class women)? Internally displaced persons in Ukraine.
Development procedures Locally developed and validated
If validated, what was the gold standard? The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-Research Version (SCID-IV-RV, 2010 revision)
Description of other development procedures, if applicable
Cronbach’s alpha
Other information about tool (e.g., additional psychometrics [NPV, PPV, Youden’s index, diagnostic odds ratio]) On the full MHAI scales, there were minor, if any, differences between the baseline and re-interview samples for PTS (α = 0.97 vs. 0.97), anxiety (α = 0.90 vs. 0.89), depression (α = 0.94 vs. 0.93). Test-retest reliability scores of the full MHAI scales are as follows: for post-traumatic stress (r = 0.87), depression (r = 0.84), and anxiety (r = 0.80).
Links to development/adaptation/validation studies and/or previous studies using the tool Doty, S. B., Haroz, E. E., Singh, N. S., Bogdanov, S., Bass, J. K., Murray, L. K., Bolton, P. A. (2018). Adaptation and testing of an assessment for mental health and alcohol use problems among conflict-affected adults in Ukraine. Conflict and Health, 12(1). doi:10.1186/s13031-018-0169-6
Notes when administering the tool The tool should be administered verbally by trained research assistants.

Anyone interested in using this tool should inform Benjamin Doty about their intent to use it. Any reports or publications arising from use of the tool should acknowledge the Global Mental Health group at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health as well as the funder who supported initial development of the tool: the United States Agency for International Development Victims of Torture Fund Cooperative Agreement AID-OAA-LA-15-00003 and the National Institute of Mental Health T32MH103210.