Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS)

Information about Measure
First Name Brandon
Last Name Kohrt
Affiliation The George Washington University
Other means of contacting author (e.g., website,, ResearchGate)
Mental health assessment tool that was adapted/developed/validated Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS)
Mental health condition assessed Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders
Idiom of distress included, if any Not Applicable
Lifestage of interest Childhood or Adolescence
Age range (age – age) 11-15 years old
Country or countries where tool was developed/adapted/validated Nepal
Language(s) of the adapted/developed/validated tool Nepali
Clinical or community sample? Community
Subpopulation in which tool was developed/validated (e.g., tool was developed and tested among middle-class women)? Schoolchildren in 6th or 7th grade, many of whom may have experienced war-related trauma. This tool was developed through collaborations with local health workers and psychosocial counselors, and tested on 162 Nepali children.
Development procedures Culturally adapted, validated, and locally developed
If validated, what was the gold standard? Kiddie Scale for Affective Disorders and Schnizophrenea (K-SADS) and GAPD
Description of other development procedures, if applicable
Cronbach’s alpha 0.86
Sensitivity 0.68
Spec 0.73
Other information about tool (e.g., additional psychometrics [NPV, PPV, Youden’s index, diagnostic odds ratio]) Additional psychometric properties evaluated- PPV:0.35, NPV:0.92, AUC=0.77, psychometric properties for each item are included in the cited publication
Links to development/adaptation/validation studies and/or previous studies using the tool Kohrt, B. A., Jordans, M. J. D., Tol, W. A., Luitel, N. P., Maharjan, S. M., & Upadhaya, N. (2011). Validation of cross-cultural child mental health and psychosocial research instruments: adapting the Depression Self-Rating Scale and Child PTSD Symptom Scale in Nepal. BMC Psychiatry, 11(1), 127.
Notes when administering the tool The tool should be administered orally by a trained research assistant. This tool aims to estimate the prevalence of MHPS-related disability among children. Based off of this study, the suggested cut-off for diagnosis identified is a score of greater than or equal to 20.